Mehran Akhtari
Wisdom of Madness
Oil on Canvas
200* 200

Mehran Akhtari
Wisdom of Madness

[28 December- 2 January 2019]

Excitement of vision needs to cross the borders of wisdom. Since the modern age, the madness was considered a disease, leaving the habit of illness was considered and the exchange of madness and wisdom was vanished. The order, norms, and criteria of the ruler were justified and fixed in the form of a rational conduct, the madness was in the control of ignorance, and the dialectics between them ceased. Where the realm of our understanding of seeing is diminishing the touch of objects and movements.
The collapse of colors, with the presence of insecure madness, can open the way for astonishing suspension. Where the quiet realm of wisdom recognizes the inconsistency of its boundary to madness and substitutes the weight of the space-time potion with a frivolous playful style. Getting away from the habit of enjoying yourself is not free from yourself, lest you stop your naive tolerance a little while and get mad at your lap.