Mohsen Hoseinmardi
Acrylic on Canvas
150x150 cm

Mohsen Hoseinmardi
The Semi Dark World Of Mine

[27 January - 2 March 2015]

The collection of "my dark dark world", although not all my questions about painting, but they are by no means
the very purest of all my emotions and the most pure of them during my art career.
During the years in which I paint, human beings have always been the concern and theme of my work.
In the beginning, the apparent similarity of the subject with the effect was valuable to me,
but with time and more of the hard-earned experiences, my searcher searched for the realities of life,
and nothing more than personal experiences of life did not spark my curiosity.
. In fact, seeing complicated and ambiguous relationships, pains, suffering, hesitation, and hopelessness between
the near and far-fangers led me to redefine my definition, and hence the painting subjects turned into broken
, fragmented, deformed, and even Turned into something other than human.
The recent period was not the problem of the people around me. Only color, form, composition and technique were not.
Not just another painting itself. This time I was myself. I've been forgotten and distant for years, and this time
I gave it this opportunity and I just looked at myself. I do not know when or when my dark dark story began, maybe
it was something that had a profound and permanent effect on my body and mind, and then there were pictures of the images
that were to come from my two dark, .
Every day, every moment and every time I look in the mirror, whenever I wake up, there is darkness from what is to be
seen with me. But at the same time, there is a window to the light.