A New Platform Was Added to Saye Art Gallery
In February 2020 Crimsons Corners was added to the main space of Saye Art Gallery as a new platform. This platform is curated by the artist Bahar Ranjbar, presenting artworks side by side with the main space of Saye to create a more dynamic space with artworks for different tastes and a possibility of more space for new artists. 1) Magic Land |Sculpture Exhibition | 21-26 Feb. 2020 2) Jean- Pierre Sergent | Shakti Oni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances | Handprint Exhibition | 29 May- 10 Jun 2020 3) Ourya Mahmoudi | Invisible Thread | Handmade Puppets Exhibition | 12-24 Jun 2020 4) Naghme Nabaei | Slowness of the Third Decade | Painting and Sculpture Exhibition | 26 Jun- 8 Jul. 2020 5) Elham Heidari | Inner Whisper | Painting Exhibition | 15-29 July 2020 6) Kiomars Harpa | A Little World | Painting Exhibition | 31 Jul. - 12 Aug. 2020 7) Pariya Namak Shenas | The Spleen of the Mind | Painting Exhibition | 14-19 Aug. 2020 8) Vida Heidar Zade | Metaphor | Painting Exhibition | 21 Aug. 2 Sep. 2020 9) Crimsons Corners Private Collection | Painting and Sculpture Exhibition | 4-23 Sep. 2020 10) Sara Rashidi | Separation from the Moon | Print Exhibition | 25 Sep. – 14 Oct. 2020 11) Crimsons Corners Private Collection | Painting and Sculpture Exhibition | 6-11 Nov. 2020 12) Marjan Hosseini | Metamorphic | Assemblage Exhibition | 6-11 Nov. 2020 13) Mamak Hejazi | Pandoras Box | Assemblage Exhibition | 20 Nov.- 16 Dec. 2020 14) Carbafoo Collection I | Group Painting and Sculpture Exhibition | 18- 30 Dec. 2020
Loris Tjeknavorian was the special guest of Saye Art Gallery
The famous Iranian composer and conductor Loris Tjeknavorian visits the photography exhibition “Parallel Pairs” by the artist Kamyar Minoukadeh on 15 January 2016.
the Danish journal “Information” interviews with Babak Baharestani
“Nevertheless, today’s Iranian art and architecture has a very unique character that presents its magnificent origins to the world” says Babak Baharestani, Information Journal.information.dk

The Opening of Pool Plateau
Here in Pool Plateau of Saye Gallery, where is incredibly romantic and exotic place, now on, it is possible to enjoy artistic performances and musical events beside workshops.
“I or We” exhibition opens with the presence of Mr. Masjed Jame-ei
the solo painting exhibition of Yasmin Shirpay opening was a big event with lots of visitors. Our special guest Mr. Masjed Jame-ei, the head of culture department of Islamic City Council of Tehran, attended to the exhibition and observed the artworks. The exhibition held from 14 to 19 July 2017.
In the eyes of a world traveler
Friedrich Weidner meets Saye Gallery: The German world traveler who passed Iran in his journey from his homeland to the Vietnam, meets Saye Gallery and reflects his opinion of Iranian art and culture in his website.friedrich-unterwegs.de

Saye Café opens up in winter 2017
In collaboration with Saye Art Gallery, Saye Café provides the better services for the visitors and customers in a natural and peaceful environment and serves fine food and drinks in an artistic atmosphere. The location is Niavaran Ave., Jamshidieh St., Aghakhani (20th) Alley, Number 3; also the telephone number is 22 29 11 12.
Saye Art Gallery participates in Donostiartean Art Fair, Spain
Saye Art Gallery presents the artworks from Iranian artists in the Donostiartean international exhibition, San Sebastian, Spain. More than 30 artworks in the Medias of painting, photography and statue from the talented artists participated in the event.donostiartean.com